Month: January 2019

Recent Articles



Traction Therapy for Back Pain

The benefits of traction therapy for back pain are well-documented. There are many types of chiropractic traction therapy available, involving manual or mechanical separation of the vertebrae following a thorough consultation and examination. What types of traction...

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Are you a candidate for eyelid surgery?

We all know the effects of aging on the body. Sagging skin that has lost its elasticity can give you the appearance of looking older than you really are. Droopy eyes can make you seem older, and adversly affect your vision. There are options for both lower eyelid...

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Health & Wellness Care

Do you have a loved one who is experiencing some of the best years of their life? As a whole, people are living longer and enjoying life as they have never been able to before. With the modern strides in medicine providing treatments and cures for many advanced aging...

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