When you look for a spa center, one of the most popular treatments you’ll find is the scrub therapy. If you’ve always been curious about the treatment but just never had the time to book one until now, then here are some of the things that you can expect.
It’s a Body Facial
A body scrub is essentially a facial for the body. If you want to exfoliate and hydrate your skin, then you’ll want to book a Korean massage scrub session. The scrub uses abrasive material mixed with massage oil and aromatic oils. When applied to your skin through a light massage, it hydrates your skin as well as eliminates dead skin cells. That gives you more supple skin.
You Need to Rinse It Off
A scrub usually stays for a few minutes before it is rinsed off. Typically, the massage will follow once the scrub has been rinsed off, since that’s when the skin is hydrated, and the muscle tissues are ready for therapy. Once the scrub is washed off, the therapist will then return to apply or body lotion for the massage.
There are Different Scrubs
Most spa centers will offer a variety of scrubs for you to choose from. They should address different problems or have different effects. For instance, some scrubs are used to contribute to the soothing effect of the massage. Some scrubs are better used to soften your skin or get rid of dead skin cells, especially those along the feet, knees, and elbows.
You Might Be Sensitive
Before you book a session, it’s good to know if you’re sensitive to some exfoliants. Some might be too abrasive for you. When you pick a scrub, be sure to ask about the ingredients they used for each one, so you can pick the option that works for you Grand Spa.