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4 Ways to Help Your Loved One Recover

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC says there were about 33,091 death sin 2015 due to drug overdose. That’s a colossal amount of deaths due to drug abuse. You can do your part in stopping it. If you know a family or friend who suffers from...

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Three Reasons for Infant Checkups

Newborn babies are delicate. Their bodies are not accustomed to the impurities of the world, and their organs are much smaller than those of an adult. For an adult, a mild cold is an inconvenience. But that same cold can put a small baby in the hospital. Taking your...

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Medical Cannabis and Cancer

Cancer rates are on the rise in the United States. Thankfully research is providing new and more effective treatment for you in the event that you are diagnosed with cancer. The prognosis of many different cancers have greatly improved over the last several decades....

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