Every child that is looking to participate in school sports has to complete a physical examination prior to playing. These doctors visit are called sports physicals. Midwest Express Clinic offers children and teenagers sports physicals at very affordable rates. These physicals consist of a couple of parts: the patient’s medical history and their physical exam. The primary goals of Sports and School Physicals will be to calculate the general health, risk of injury, physical well-being and current fitness level. Sports physicals are mainly for those students who are participating in:
- Club sports teams
- Inter league or school sports program
- New fitness regimens
Sports physicals will allow your child’s physician to recognize any circumstances that may keep him or her from playing the noted sport. Athletes should have their physicals at least 45 days before the sport season starts. However, this time frame can vary because of changing sport seasons. In fact, this time frame will provide you with an ample opportunity to address existing injuries or improve conditioning, if needed.
Medical history forms should be filled out before you and your child arrive at the facility. This form covers plenty of questions, ranging from family illnesses to past injuries and a player’s health. If problems are discovered, the athlete and physician will work together to prep the athlete for competition. Here are the steps involved in the Sports and School Physicals process:
- Vitals
- The nurse will check the athlete’s blood pressure and pulse and then document the numbers. The height and weight will also be taken down, as well as any growth spurts or weight changes, both of which can place stress on muscles, bones and joints.
- Eye exam
- This exam will check for proper vision, which evaluates the possible need for prescription lenses. It can also determine if current prescriptions need to be adjusted in some way.
- Fitness
- An exam of your child’s lungs, abdomen, heart, nose, throat, and ears is next. The doctor will recommend any limitations at this point.
- Flexibility
- Your child’s flexibility, posture, joints, and strength will be tested next. The doctor will identify any areas which may be prone to injury.
- Medical history
- The physician needs to know about any previous surgeries, conditions, and illnesses. This will help them diagnose issues and help prevent future complications.