Infertility affects about ten percent of married couples. Infertility is the inability to conceive children naturally. This can have a negative impact on any relationship. Most women want the chance to experience carrying a child and giving birth. Infertility used to mean it would never happen. However, today there are options to help couples who suffer from infertility to be able to have the child they have always wanted. One option couples can choose is In Vitro Fertilization. Over the last three decades, IVF has become a proven treatment to help with infertility. When looking for a clinic to help you with your In Vitro in San Antonio TX, do your research and pick the one that will best help you overcome this obstacle.
There are several different steps couples will have to go through to have a successful IVF treatment. Look for a clinic that will sit you down with one of their doctors beforehand to explain the entire process and help get you mentally prepared for what you are about to go through. Another feature you should make sure your clinic offers is a class to help you get familiar with your medications, manage your calendar, and review your consent forms.
Eventually, you will be given instructions to begin your injection medications. After starting these, you will be monitored by ultrasounds and blood tests. As you are taking these injections, and your follicles begin to grow a time will be determined for your “trigger” injection. Once you have had this injection, approximately 36 hours later you will be scheduled for the egg retrieval. The retrieval process takes about 30 minutes and your partner will most likely supply a sperm sample the same day for the egg to be inseminated with. Once your eggs are fertilized, they are considered embryos. The embryos are then given three to five days to grow. After they are finished growing they are then gently injected into the endometrium of the uterus.
Just because you cannot conceive a child the natural way doesn’t mean you should give up. There are many options out there for you. In Vitro in San Antonio TX, is just one example of how you can achieve this dream. You can visit the Fertility Institute of Texas for more information.