When you go in for a massage at your local parlor, you may find that your therapist uses lotion, cream, oil, or some other lubricant while they provide your massage. While there is no hard and fast rule about using lubrication for the hands, when you’re moving across skin it can be very helpful to use something to reduce friction. Read on to see how hot oil massage adds extra layers of benefit – and is sure to become your new massage type of choice!
Fighting Friction
One of the few drawbacks of applying pressure from the hands or a massage tool to the skin is that a dragging sensation can be created. This is caused by the friction that human skin creates against most surfaces – even smooth ones. To reduce this friction, applying a massage oil can be beneficial.
Skin-Deep Benefits
There are a variety of oils used in massage and all of them boast their own skin-loving benefits. Depending on your therapist’s preferences, the type of massage you are receiving and what your own preferences or sensitivities may be, you may encounter one or more of the following oils during your massage:
* Almond
* Avocado
* Argon
* Coconut
* Jojoba
* Macadamia nut
* Safflower
* Sunflower
* Olive
Each of these oils has unique, beneficial properties for your skin and all of them have been shown to fight the damage caused by free radicals and help your skin retain moisture and suppleness. What’s more, they make your massage much more pleasant and effective!
Warmer is Better
Applying cold oil to the skin can be an uncomfortable experience for some massage patrons so most therapists who use oil will bring it to room temperature or warmer before employing it. If you prefer your oil to be warmer before your therapist uses it, be sure to ask about hot oil therapy or offerings at your location.
Looking for hot oil massage in your area? Contact your local massage parlor our clinic for more information about hot oil options and to book your appointment. Your whole body will thank you!