How Is a Facelift Performed?

by | Sep 29, 2017 | Cosmetic and Plastic

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Why should you have to abandon your young-looking appearance just because your skin ages? If you are feeling youthful, but looking a bit aged, a facelift may help you feel and look even younger. If you can find a skilled and reputable professional to perform a facelift for you, you may be able to fight both gravity and time and come out looking years younger. A facelift can restore your appearance with a single procedure.

The Procedure

A facelift in Chicago can actually be different for various people. The procedure really depends on your anatomy and your own appearance goals. You first should decide how intense you want the facelift to be. You can also have the opportunity to have other procedures performed at the same time of your facelift, so if you want eyelid surgery or another procedure, you should decide beforehand. Anesthesia is typically used for a facelift, but sometimes local anesthesia is used rather than general anesthesia if you are receiving a minor surgery.

The first incisions in your face are made to separate tissues and muscles. This way, your surgeon can move the tissues and make your skin’s foundation firmer. Excess skin can then be removed, and the remaining skin can be laid back down to create a much smoother and tighter look.

Life After a Facelift

The recovery after a facelift can be fairly quick, only lasting about two weeks if you choose a great surgeon. While the procedure can take time and be complicated, the recovery time is not. Intense exercising may be put on hold for an additional two weeks if you receive a general facelift. If you receive a mini facelift you may be able to get back into your daily routine quicker.

You may experience some swelling or bruising following your facelift, but this is normal.

If you are looking for a facelift in Chicago, Adam J. Cohen MD of Eyelid and Facial Plastic Surgery & Medispa can help you achieve the look you want. Visit web for more information.

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