Massage therapy is very good for relaxation and stress relief. Massage is not just one technique, but a set of techniques and methods used to produce various results. Thai Yoga Massage in Honolulu, HI is one of these techniques. Unlike conventional massage, Thai massage incorporates yoga-style stretching with pressure point focused massage, which is somewhat like shiatsu massage.
The goal of Thai massage is to bring the body to balance by restoring the energy flow, referred to as sen in Thai massage. This technique helps people heal physically and mentally by unblocking the sen lines in the body. The following will discuss the primary benefits of Thai yoga massage therapy.
Body Detox
Besides realigning the energy flow of the meridian points of the body, this massage technique promotes the body’s ability to release and eliminate toxins. Toxins are all around you in your water, food, and in the air you breathe. Even if you have stopped using toxins and chemicals in your home or on your body, you are still ingesting them in the outside world. Your body cannot detox many of the harmful chemicals and toxins of this world without some help. The use of palming for this therapy helps you release toxins like lactic acid and others that build up in your system. It also stimulates the lymphatic system and blood flow.
Improves Flexibility
The Thai massage therapist uses yoga stretches to stretch out and lengthen your muscles. This technique helps enhance your flexibility and aids in the release of stored up tension. You do some of the work, but the massage therapist guides you through the stretches helping you to gently stretch further than you can by yourself. Therapists that use Thai Yoga Massage in Honolulu, HI know how to use gentle pressure to help open any tight joints and deepen your yoga stretches for maximum effectiveness.
Since this form of massage helps increase energy flow, blood flow, releases tension, detoxes the body, and lengthens the muscles, it makes you feel better. When you feel better, your sense of well-being is improved, which means you feel well mentally as well as physically. When Thai Yoga Massage is properly applied, you will enjoy harmony and balance. Touch of Thailand in Honolulu provides Thai massage and other massage and wellness services. For more information, visit Thai-Issan Therapeutic Massage.