What You Need To Know About Lincoln Park Chiropractors

by | Jan 19, 2015 | Healthcare

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A chiropractor is different from other medical professions and many times, you may be confused as to what they can and cannot do. It is up to you to be as educated as possible, for your well being and for those in your family. Therefore, there are some things that Lincoln Park Chiropractors want you to know, but just won’t tell you.

Chiropractic Is Different Than Scientific Medicine

Most people believe in scientific medicine, in which you are given medication to feel better. While this works for many people, chiropractic care is different. They tend to focus on the whole body effect and believe that problems in the spine could be the cause of other illnesses within the body. They also tend to focus on the person as a whole and not just whatever is ailing that person.

Be Wary Of Promises

Though most chiropractors in Lincoln Park and elsewhere are professional and won’t make promises they don’t know if they can keep, there are some out there that promise to completely fix unfixable problems. Therefore, it is important to find out more about your diagnosis, all the treatments available, even scientific ones, and make an assessment for yourself.

Narrow Scope

People with stomach problems will see a gastroenterologist and those with heart problems will see a cardiologist. A chiropractor handles a small range of ailments and focuses on the spine, musculoskeletal and nervous system, just as a cardiologist handles people with heart problems and other conditions relating to the heart. Understanding what a chiropractor can do will help you feel less disappointed that they cannot fix any other type of problem.

Types of Services

While a chiropractor can handle many spinal or musculoskeletal problems, they may not be able to do much for you, depending on your problem. If you feel that no help has been done in the way of treatment, it is important to try some other type of service, whether you visit a different doctor or chiropractor.

How Long To Visit

In many cases, you don’t pay attention to how many times you visit the doctor to fix a specific problem. For the chiropractor, you should see some improvement within the first few visits. If you don’t, you may want to seek treatment elsewhere. However, seeing improvement is not the same as being cured or fixing the problem.

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