Massage is enjoyed by adults of any age, though it seems that massages are appreciated most by those in their 30s, 40s, and 50s who are either approaching or experiencing their middle years. It’s said that “Forty is the new thirty,” and in some ways that’s true. Many individuals who have embraced modern medicine and a healthy diet look and feel younger at 40 than their parents did. Still, the signs of aging start sneaking up on us quicker than we might think they would. Why does this happen and what kinds of Massage Honolulu, HI can help us cope?
Our bodies, particularly our backs, can start to experience frequent aches as early as our thirties. This is because we may not be aligning our bodies properly during work or rest. Even if you make an effort to have good posture and refrain from slouching when sitting or standing, you may be unaware of misalignments that occur during other activities. Stress also causes unnecessary tension that leads to back and body aches. If you are in severe pain, you should see a doctor. However, massage provides welcome relief from general achiness and discomfort.
Many people experience their first massages on vacation when they’re pre-disposed to relaxing and treating themselves. For instance, you can find wonderful results for Massage Honolulu HI, one of the most popular vacation destinations in the States. There are many different types of massage for whatever ails you. Some types of massage are light and relaxing, while others focus on healing deeper aches and strains.
Two types of massage that can be relaxing are Lomilomi and Swedish massage. Lomilomi is a Hawaiian massage that combines sweeping arm motions with pressure point techniques using the elbow and forearm. Swedish massage combines smooth, long strokes with circular motions and kneading. Thai yoga massage is both relaxing and energizing as the massage therapist leans on you with her hands and stretches your body. If you are looking for a more healing Massage Honolulu HI, you can choose from the deep tissue, sports, or Shiatsu massage. The deep tissue and sports massages both focus on tight or strained muscles, whereas the Japanese Shiatsu massage uses finger pressure to promote body healing. There are massages to soothe any stress or ache, so do not hesitate to seek the relief you deserve.