The basic equipments needed in every hospital

by | Apr 2, 2012 | Health

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Hospitals are referred to as community buildings for a reason. They serve a number of people of any denomination and are life-savers in the true sense of the word. Hospitals offer a sense of security when you need to be cured of a life-threatening medical condition and as such, hospitals serve as an important community building.

Which are the five major medical machines in a hospital?
Now, hospitals shall be able to function appropriately only when its team of doctors, nurses and staff carry out their tasks and duties efficiently and professionally. Another important tool that shall define the efficiency of hospitals are the medical equipment and instruments. Technology having advanced, medical devices are of extreme importance for the day-to-day working to take place in hospitals. Although modern equipments dominate the floor area, the most common medical machines found in hospitals are those that were invented in the pre-digital era.

1. Defibrillators – These are used to revive patients during cardiac arrests. Defibrillators are one of the more common machines found in hospitals along with a first aid kit. It was in 1947 in fact, that a defibrillator was used for the first time to resuscitate a 14-year-old boy by Doctor Claude Beck.

2. Patient Monitors – This is most often found within the operation theatre in hospitals. Patient monitors are large devices that keep a track on and interpret the vital signs of a patient during medical treatment. There have been so many instances when doctors and nurses have been alerted of an incoming danger to the patient with the help of a patient monitor.

3. X-ray machines – X-ray was first discovered in 1895 however, the use of x-ray machines in hospitals took a long time in coming. They have undergone many technological changes since their inception and are one of the most useful machines in a hospital. X-ray machines help doctors diagnose illnesses, detect fractures, cavities and foreign objects within the body.

4. EKG machine – An EKG or electrocardiogram machine is commonly found in cardiac hospitals. They help in detecting cardiac abnormalities by interpreting the electric signals created by the movement of the heart’s muscles.

5. Ultrasound machines – These make a common appearance in hospitals and function similar to a sonar machine. They map the internal tissues and organs within one’s body by emitting high-pitched sound waves that help produce visual images of them.

Hospitals are expected to provide the best of facilities and these equipments are basic necessities.




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