Nasal surgery – An effective way to cure snoring

by | Apr 2, 2012 | Health

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You will definitely laugh if Jughead of the Archies’ comic book fame is shown snoring with the speech bubble reading – ‘Zzzz’. However, snoring is fun only in comic books and movies. In reality, snoring is major issue that has been the cause of many a divorce too.

The causes for snoring are many and the procedures and therapies involved in curing snoring are also many and varied. One of the more common treatments for curing snoring issues involves surgical remedies. These remedies include tonsillectomy, UPPP (uvulopalatopharyngoplasty), LAUP (uvulopalatoplasty), adenoidectomy and jaw and nasal surgery. Nasal surgery is considered to be one of the more popular procedures and therapies employed to cure snoring.

The different procedures and therapies involved in nasal surgeries

Among nasal surgeries itself, there are a number of different techniques employed. The different procedures and therapies used include nasal septum surgery, removal of polyps, bony obstruction removal and the scraping and restructuring of nasal sinuses. The various procedures and therapies that are employed to work towards opening up the nasal passages and removing the blockages present within. This is a major cause of snoring or creating a pre-existing snoring condition. Many people find that their snoring has decreased after having undergone the surgery. However, snoring can return even after a nasal surgery if the follow-up procedures and therapies are not undertaken on time.

There are several other methods to treat snoring too. A nasal surgery is an individual’s choice for although effective it can turn out to be expensive. Breathing strips is considered to be an effective over-the-counter product that is helpful in treating snoring. These strips need to be attached to the outside of your nose and they help open up the air passages within. This can be a great alternative option to surgery.

There are several procedures and therapies involved when it comes to curing snoring issues. However, you need to find the right one for you. The right snoring remedy means a good night’s sleep for you and your spouse.

nasal surgery

nasal surgery

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