Newborn babies are delicate. Their bodies are not accustomed to the impurities of the world, and their organs are much smaller than those of an adult. For an adult, a mild cold is an inconvenience. But that same cold can put a small baby in the hospital. Taking your...
Medical Cannabis and Cancer
Cancer rates are on the rise in the United States. Thankfully research is providing new and more effective treatment for you in the event that you are diagnosed with cancer. The prognosis of many different cancers have greatly improved over the last several decades....
Chromotherapy: What is It and How the Lights Affect the Body and Mind
Each year after the autumn months hit there is a decrease in the amount of sunlight that is available for a person to enjoy. From fall until spring, some people suffer from a disorder that is affected by the change in the seasons. Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD,...
Everything You Need to Know About MR Angiography in Riverhead, NY
MR angiography uses a powerful magnetic field, radio waves, and a computer to evaluate blood vessels and help identify abnormalities. It diagnosed atherosclerotic disease for millions of patients last year alone. These exams do not use ionizing radiation and likely...
Prep for Emergencies with a Good Veterinarian in Richmond
Whether you own a cat or a dog or some other creature, it’s important to take care of him or her. As your loved one, your pet’s health should be important to you. In a lot of instances, people don’t know how to deal with pet emergencies. In these instances, it’s...