What to Expect During a Sports Physical

by | May 2, 2019 | Healthcare

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If you have a child who is interested in sports, it’s likely you’re going to get used to annual sports physicals in Orange Park, FL. This physical is important to ensure the well-being and health of your child both on the field and off. We know this can be a confusing process, but it is needed, and we want to share a bit about what the process is and why it is done.

Reasons for a Sport Physical

Sports physicals, also called pre-participation physical examinations, are used to determine if a child or adult is in proper physical health to participate safely in a sport. Anyone starting a new sport or exercise routine should talk to a healthcare professional to ensure it is a good idea and sports physicals in Orange Park, FL are a great way to do that.

The Physical Process

There are numerous things that occur during a physical. A nurse or staff member will first check your child’s vitals, such as blood pressure and pulse. Their weight and height will also be taken down. The reason for this is because growth spurts and weight changes can cause added stress to the bones, joints, and muscles.

Next, there will be an eye exam. While the eye exam is underway, the medical professional will ensure your child is able to see properly. If there is a vision problem, your child will be offered prescription lenses or a change to their lenses if they have had vision changes and already wear glasses.

Your child will also have their medical history gone over as part of the sport’s physical procedure. It’s important that you come to the appointment armed with information about any recent or past conditions, illnesses, or surgeries, so the professional can make a note of them. This can give them an idea of what potential problems may come up. In some cases, this will mean the need for referrals or further testing to protect your athlete’s health.

The last part of the exam will involve a fitness check. This will include a physical exam of the lungs, heart, abdomen and other areas to look for any physical limitations like asthma or a hernia. The joints will also be checked for flexibility.

If you need to get a sports physical for yourself or your child, the experts at Injury Care Centers can help. You can find out more or get in touch with us at www.web.com.

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