It is generally thought that acupuncture treatments go as far back as 6000 BCE. Back then the Chinese used sharpened sticks or bones to facilitate the process. Luckily today the way it is applied has changed but the benefits of acupuncture are still as impactful and...
Toby Stanford
5 Things Your Personal Gym Trainer Can Bring to the Table
Some days, you’re on fire. You feel like you can do ten extra laps or squats with ease. On most days, though, you’d rather stay in bed instead of heading out for your morning sessions at the gym. If you want to stay committed to your workouts, hiring a personal gym...
Choose a Chiropractor For Optimum Chiropractic Care
Having a Chicago chiropractor work on your body could help you heal from an accident, alleviate chronic pain, and improve your overall quality of life. At Chicago Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centers, we're prepared to treat many different types of issues, and we...
Learn More about PET Scan Procedures in Glendale, CA
The Pet scan procedure in Glendale, CA is an imaging test that helps your doctor determine if you have any diseases or medical conditions. The scan itself uses a dye with radioactive tracers. You can either inhale, swallow or inject the tracer into the vein, depending...
Different Health Problems that Can Be Treated with Acupuncture Treatments
Acupuncture is a Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries to treat a range of health problems. A technique that uses thin sterilized needles that a placed on the body at specific points to stimulate the nerves in the area. This improves the flow of energy in...