If you were to ever have a Dental Emergency Charlotte, would you go to the closest urgent medical care facility or to an emergency dentist in Glen Allen VA? There are times you should go to the urgent medical care facility and times you should call your dentist; you choice will always depend on the type of oral trauma that occurs. Knowing which type of care to seek can save you time and money; it can also help relieve you from a more stressful situation.
Dental emergencies are unlike other medical emergencies and require different care. Some larger medical emergency facilities have dental care experts on hand if a patient comes in with oral trauma. Before you choose a medical urgent care center, here are some things to consider:
1. Does the trauma involve your face or mouth and are there possible jaw fractures involved?
2. Is your jaw dislocated?
3. Do you have serious lacerations inside your mouth?
4. Is there an abscess or infection that is affecting your ability to breathe or swallow. This is especially important if you have other major medical conditions.
If you have any of these types of trauma occur, then yes you should consider going to an urgent medical care center rather than calling on the services of an emergency dentist in Glen Allen, VA.
Dental emergencies that should be taken to a dental office instead of an urgent medical care facility most commonly include:
1. A tooth that is broken or cracked
2. A tooth that is knocked out completely or out of alignment
3. Pain from a tooth that is decayed or abscessed but not impacting your ability to breathe or swallow.
4. A filling or crown that have come loose or been lost.
While these occurrences can be painful, a medical emergency center is not usually equipped to treat them properly. Most dental clinics can accommodate emergencies after working hours or for weekend emergency care. Talk to your regular dental care provider and ask if you’re not familiar with what their particular emergency care procedures are. If you are going out of town and want to be prepared for a possible dental emergency, then ask your regular oral health care provider if they have any recommendations for this type of care in your place of destination.
Dental emergencies don’t occur at convenient times and that’s the reason why it is necessary to be prepared. Make sure your dental insurance provider covers emergency dental care, especially if you are out of town or have to use someone who is not in your provider’s care network. This is especially important if you travel quite a good bit. You don’t want to spend money out of pocket if you don’t have to.
Find out more about how an emergency dentist Glen Allen VA can help you in time of need by visiting websites for more information.